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Common Customer Requests

How to quickly fulfill common customer requests.

Drop off a package
Open "Drop Off" on left side menu, then scan the package barcode. You can also type in the tracking number under "Manual Entry" and press "Add Tracking #" or the Enter key. Go to the "Checkout" page to print a receipt and finish the transaction.
Drop off a package using a Label Broker QR code
Open "Drop Off" on left side menu, then enter the customer's ZIP code. Scan or enter the alphanumeric ID shown under the QR code on the customer's phone, then press "Print Label". When the label is printed, follow the steps above for "Drop off a package".
"How much does it cost to mail this?"
If the customer just wants to know the price, open "Tools" on the left side menu and use the Postage Calculator tool for a quick price. For envelopes, make sure to check if it's non-machinable or a flat so you don't give an incorrect quote.